Good Afternoon all, Long time, no Type!!!! I'm afraid all work and no play has made me one very busy and (for the most part) very boring woman. The only thing I've had time to do is teach, study and... drumroll please.... I've published a new book! Yep, While I am still writing in the paranormal romance genre (Bitten in the Dark still a work in progress peeps) my new book is one of teen non-fiction. And it's for those of us who are living with or have suffered from epilepsy. Your World is My World @AmazonKindle Book Description: Epilepsy Sucks: A teenage guide to dealing with epilepsy in every day life... Written from a sufferer’s perspective, and including first-hand experiences from teenagers with the condition, Your World is My World explores and explains the various issues and complications that having epilepsy entails, answering frequently asked questions and addressing ‘touchy’ subjects such as romance, bullying, and difficult healt...