Keep Fighting

Evening ends,
The cold nights start outside in the street.
Souls, shadows of their former selves
Ashen in the streetlamp.
I insipid in reflection mirrored
No longer in shadow gaze.
Destiny weaves her web,
 Surrounding me with... nothing.

 Shadows of night burst from within, breaking the boundaries
Of time, forgotten;
Create the spark, Fire’s passions dull
In the everlasting heart.

Hidden below in shadows unknown,
Left to quiver,
Salt, the tracks, traces of old
And molten lava of those cried tears untold.
Nobody knew but one in the dark,
The whispers.
Whispers of a broken heart.

The Grave will give birth to the dawn,
Help will always come, no matter how small
Hope is never lost.
Keep fighting, that is all one ever asks,
A simple yet uneasy task.

Copyright © 2011 TL Spencer


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